NHC has been serving Chicagoland for over 25 years.

Articles About Disorders

We treat many conditions here at NHC and I do my best to write about some of them below. Feel free to search for conditions you are interested in learning more about, as well as to suggest topics you would like me to write more about.

Acupuncture Useful for Hearing Loss

A study performed at the Kyung Hee University in Seoul, South Korea, found that acupuncture was a useful intervention for sudden sensorineural hearing loss (defined as a loss of 30 dB or more in 3 contiguous frequencies within three days or less). The researchers found that,

. . . favorable prognosis was directly related to the time interval from the onset of hearing loss to the start of AT (acupuncture therapy).” For the patients that showed significant improvement, start of acupuncture treatment was within an average of 51 days from the onset of hearing loss. For the group that did not respond, the average was 167 days between onset of the illness and the beginning of acupuncture care.

An article on the study can be found here.

Mark Reese